Saturday, 23 July 2011

TP Day 2011 - The Challenge ....

I'm a member of the 'Talk Photography' online forum and as in previous years they held a 'TP Day' where you were challenged to take one picture that represents your photographic passion.  This year I decided to give it a go, though the result was far from successful ....

Talk Photography claims to be the "friendliest forum on the internet" which I have to say is what I've found (though like all online communities it has its characters, but you soon learn who they are and to ignore them!!).  They run a number of different challenges during the year to encourage participants to get out and take photos.  I decided to give it a go this year for the TP Day challenge, but what single image could capture the love of taking photographs?  Here's my entry .....

"Take one picture on Saturday the 2nd July that represents your photographic passion with one image"! Hmmmm, OK - here we go then ....

My current 'passion' (or should that be 'frustration') is wildlife photography. Coaxed into it by my Wife (I much prefer planes & cars!) I now find myself obsessed with getting 'that' picture of whatever it is. One specific target that has so far eluded me is the Kingfisher. I am insanely jealous of those who have the luck/skill/patience (delete those that do not apply) to capture and post some truly fantastic images of the KF, but for me a few blurry, distant, grainy, out of focus shots is the best I have been able to manage.

So, in the spirit of the challenge, this picture best represents my passion. While at our local nature reserve we happened across a feeding KF. There it was, right in front of us, in a viewfinder-filling perfect position! But in an instant it had spotted us and it was off - zipping across the lake.
12:03pm - Marsh Lane Nature Reserve, Warwickshire
Normally a picture like this would not see the light of day, but it represents everything that is frustrating, sorry inspiring, about my 'passion' … so near yet so far!

To see all images posted for TP Day follow this link