A Latin expression meaning "time flees", but more commonly translated as "time flies", which seemed appropriate for this piece given it's exactly one year on from the last time I published anything here! Indeed if you agree with the saying "Time flies when you're having fun" then this last year must have been a ball!
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Monday, 5 September 2011
From my Library .... Spa Franchorchamps Formula One
No, not what you're thinking! I didn't get to Spa for the recent Grand Prix (pity!). But in 2009 I had a weekend watching the historic Grand Prix Masters Series at the famous circuit, and a cracking weekend it was too!
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
This is your Captain speaking ....
I reached one of those milestone birthdays back in May - yes, the big Five-Oh. Hard to believe given my youthful looks!
Anyway, having arranged helicopter flying lessons for my 30th and 40th birthdays, my Wife surpassed this and helped me realise what has been a lifelong ambition ....
Monday, 22 August 2011
Black Weekend for Air Displays
This past weekend will be remembered for all the wrong reasons following a trio of fatalities at air shows here in the UK and in the US.
Flt Lt Jon 'Eggman' Egging from the RAF Aerobatic Team The Red Arrows, seen here leading at the Cotswold Airshow, lost control of the aircraft after the main display, the risky stuff, was complete. There is much speculation as to the reason for the crash but some sort of catastrophic failure of the aircraft seems probable.
As we were coming to terms with this tragic news reports began to filter through of the death of a pilot in the USA. Bryan Jensen, flying a biplane at the Kansas City Air Show, was doing a series of aerobatic moves but failed to recover from a downward spiral.
Then on Sunday we heard from the Selfridge Air Show in Michigan, USA, that daredevil wingwalker Todd Green fell to his death as he tried to transfer from an aircraft to a helicopter.
All involved knew, and accepted, the risks, and there is perhaps some solace in that they were doing something they loved. My thoughts are with the families and friends of Flt Lt Egging, Bryan Jensen and Todd Green.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
From my Library .... Vulcan XH558 - yet again!

Bad news for those who wanted to see her fly; bad news also for the Vulcan To The Sky Trust as this is bound to adversely impact fundraising (the weather looks like it's going to dampen spirits as well). However, for the enthusiast don't be downhearted...
Thursday, 28 July 2011
National Memorial Arboretum
I took a day out to head up to the National Memorial Arboretum near Lichfield, Staffordshire and was quite surpised by what I found!
To quote the website "The National Memorial Arboretum was conceived as a living tribute to the war time generations of the twentieth century and as a gift to their memory for future generations to reflect upon and enjoy." But it's so much more ...
First thing to say is that visiting any memorial on this scale is a humbling and sobering experience. To walk through The Armed Forces Memorial and to see all the names engraved on the walls ...
To quote the website "The National Memorial Arboretum was conceived as a living tribute to the war time generations of the twentieth century and as a gift to their memory for future generations to reflect upon and enjoy." But it's so much more ...
First thing to say is that visiting any memorial on this scale is a humbling and sobering experience. To walk through The Armed Forces Memorial and to see all the names engraved on the walls ...
Saturday, 23 July 2011
TP Day 2011 - The Challenge ....
I'm a member of the 'Talk Photography' online forum and as in previous years they held a 'TP Day' where you were challenged to take one picture that represents your photographic passion. This year I decided to give it a go, though the result was far from successful ....
Friday, 15 July 2011
British Grand Prix!
It was a spur of the moment thing ... driving to work on Monday morning I thought about going to the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on that Friday, practice day. "Why not" I thought, after all I haven't been to a Grand Prix for many years. So I checked the weather forecast and it wasn't good - rain all day. A good omen I thought, after all, they usually get it completely wrong! Onto the Silverstone website for a ticket - 50 quid, just for Friday! Ouch! But hey, it's not every week is it ...
Friday, 17 June 2011
From my Library .... Simply Magic!
It was one of those chance meetings - I was assisting at a wedding where a close up magician was performing. I took some photos of him doing his thing and he asked me for some copies to use on his website. I offered to do some studio shots for him - so here we are!
Undecided on style we shot a variety of formal, informal and many different poses - some very cheesy magician-type photos, some more subtle. This one was chosen by the magician from the many which he used on his website and posters. Cool!
The magician is Stephen Seabourne and his website is here - he is very, very good!
Friday, 10 June 2011
Vulcan Returns Home!
As the UK Airshow season gets into full swing it's fantastic to see the Avro Vulcan take to the skies - here returning to Bruntingthorpe last month - but for how long? With a shortage of funds and a deadline of July to raise the money, there's a big risk it may be prematurely grounded. Your help could make the difference!
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
From my Library .... Channel Crossing!
In 2007 a group of boats from RIB Shack Marine took the plunge and motored over to the Channel Islands - and the weather could not have been any better!
The English Channel was like a mill pond - smooth as a mirror the whole way across. And the return journey was much the same - here's another boat (can't remember which) around mid-channel.
The English Channel was like a mill pond - smooth as a mirror the whole way across. And the return journey was much the same - here's another boat (can't remember which) around mid-channel.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Returning to Donington Park ....
That's to say it was my first visit since the circuit's been 're-worked'; also the return of Truck Racing for the first time in ten years. So, how was it? Well, mixed really! There were some good points and some bad points but overall - better or worse? I've not really made my mind up!
Sunday, 24 April 2011
British Drift Championship - Donnington Park
For those petrol heads amongst you who have never been to a drift event I strongly suggest you get yourself to one this year! I was a drift virgin until yesterday - but it's fantastic fun to watch and just what you'd love to do in your own car round your local Sainsbury's car park!
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
From My Library .... Brigstock International Horse Trials 2010
Here's a different sort of horsepower to that I normally shoot, and rather than having four wheels these have four legs! For a treat last year I took my sister to the Brigstock International Horse Trials - she's the horsey type and has owned her own horse for many years so she loved it. For me it was an interesting photo opportunity but I'm not sure about things that have a mind of their own and don't have an effective brake pedal!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Awesome Pictures
Every now and then you come across a picture that quite simply takes your breath away! Today this happened to me with a picture from The Guardian Eyewitness app (one of my 'must have' apps - see my previous post).
Sunday, 3 April 2011
From My Library .... A Big Cat!
Sorry if you've arrived here through a search engine looking for big cats with fur and tails - but we're talking about the Broadspeed Jaguar XJ12 Saloon, seen here at Mallory Park in the Top Hat Historic Racing series. It was an awesome beast when it first hit the tracks, and it hasn't changed much since ...!!
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Another 'Boys' Post .... Boys Toys
I'm heading quickly towards one of those milestone birthdays that includes a zero, in my case preceded by five ... yes, the big Five-Oh. Hard to believe given my youthful looks!! Anyway, my beloved has offered to splash out on a radio controlled aircraft, something I've wanted since I was a lad, but never got around to. So I popped down to my local club to get the lowdown on starting this new hobby, but of course I took my camera along ....
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Look out for .... Jade Ferreira Jewellery
A quick turnround on these images as they're for a client! Jade Ferreira is a young, up and coming craftsman (or should that be craftswoman?!) who hand makes unique and unusual pieces of jewellery. She needed some unusual and dramatic pictures of her work for a portfolio and to send to a top jeweller in London - so she turned to me ...
Monday, 7 March 2011
Ed Verosky's 'About Photography' Podcast ... With Yours Truly!
Yes - Me! On a Podcast! Well I never !! I was delighted to be asked to participate on a podcast with Ed Verosky, a professional photographer based in New York City who writes eBooks on photography as well as his Blog and Podcasts. And this despite me having a moan at him ...!!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
From my Library .... Santa Pod Drag Racing
As a lifetime fan of motorsport it was a real omission that I had never been to a top-flight Drag Racing event - until last year! I toddled off down to Santa Pod last September for the 'FIA European Drag Racing Championships Finals', and what a fantastic day it was!
Sunday, 27 February 2011
The Old and the New - Manchester Photography Walk
To buck the trend of recent posts, this one is bang up to date! Yesterday I went for a wander round Manchester on an organised photographic walk. And it was a real mixture, from the new chic canal-side apartments to the derelict factories of a bye-gone era. But this gave some fantastic opportunities to show the juxtaposition of old and new ....
Saturday, 26 February 2011
What Value Copyright .... ??
I've just been having an exchange of messages with other users in the 'Talk Photography' forum over the real value of copyright when it comes to photographers and their images. And I have to say that as a result my views have changed! Will I be doing things differently now? In my personal work probably not, but in my business life, maybe!
Monday, 21 February 2011
I don't mean to be controversial, but ....
Is the London Art Scene so far up its own backside as it appears to be?! First we had the Turner Prize, so-called contemporary art depicting, well, anything BUT art in some cases! Now the National Portrait Gallery is getting in on the act with a double whammy on the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize! Is there no such thing as bad publicity …??
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Lens Comparison: Canon 100-400mm Vs Sigma 150-500mm
I've recently bought myself a new lens, the Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS USM, to use instead of my trusty Sigma 150-500mm f5-6.3 DG APO OS HSM. I love the Sigma lens, so why the desire to change ...??
Equipment Review,
Monday, 14 February 2011
Wishing Robert Kubica a Speedy and Full Recovery ... a personal perspective
Like most F1 and motorsport fans I was saddened to read of the horrific crash suffered by Robert Kubica on the Ronde di Andora rally on Sunday morning. Progress reports give cause for optimism but you have to wonder, given the extent of the injuries reported, if he will be able to get back into F1. I do hope so.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
From my Library .... Westonbirt, The National Arboretum
Well, it's raining again! After a beautiful sunny day yesterday, today we're back to another grey day.
Is it me or is winter just dragging on ...
and on .... ?
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Arrested for Sitting by a River!!
Well, not arrested exactly. In fact not even close! But, there I was, quietly sitting by the river, sipping my cup of tea, when two West Midland Police CSOs deemed it necessary to enquire as to the nature of my activities!
Monday, 31 January 2011
Let me point you to an interesting article ....
"The iPad, One Year On" although, to quote the article, I'd have prefered to have called it "The iPad - the great love/hate device where both sides are equally right"! Anyone who read my post 'iPad - big iPhone or small Laptop?' will understand when I say ..
Equipment Review,
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Watching The Sun Rise .... Portland Bill, Dorset
Although the circumstances of our recent trip to Dorset was not what you would wish for (funeral of a close and much loved Uncle on my wife's side of the family), staying overnight and being a natural early riser gave me the opportunity to head down from Dorchester to Portland Bill to watch the sun rise.
Lightroom 3,
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
From my Library .... 1959 Vauxhall PA Velox
One of the benefits of working at Millbrook is that now and then I have the chance to get involved in some pretty interesting stuff! Most of it I can't talk about, but on this occasion ....
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Awesome Pictures
Every now and then you come across a picture that quite simply takes your breath away! Today this happened to me with a picture from The Guardian Eyewitness app (one of my 'must have' apps - see my previous post).
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Addictive Fashion Spezial
Something a bit different - I had a few minutes to spare during a recent business trip to Mainz in Germany - just outside the hotel was a building site where a number of posters had been put up on the fencing and adjacent walls - I quite liked the imagery but would you call it art?
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Yet Another 'Must Have' iPad Apps Selection
OK so this is a very personal view on the 'must have' apps for the iPad, but these are the ones I really wouldn't want to be without anymore. So, in no particular order ....
Equipment Review,
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
From my Library .... My first 'pap' shot?
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
From my Library .... James Hunt's Hesketh 308
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge Formula One fan, although these days truly an armchair enthusiast. But it wasn't always so!
Monday, 6 December 2010
iPad - big iPhone or small Laptop? Well, both really ...
There's not much that creates such extremes of reaction like Apple products do. And the iPad must be the one that has created even more extreme (and often ill-informed) opinion than anything before. And yet, those who use it appear to love it - so what has it got that these users feel is worth the five-hundred or so quid it costs?
Equipment Review,
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Look Mom - I'm Blogging!
Well, after many tests and trials to see what works and what doesn't, here we go - the big launch into the blogosphere! Is this going to revolutionise blogging and become one of the best read blogs out there? Absolutely NOT! Then why do it you ask (I'm sure you thought it even if you didn't actually ask it - besides, it'd be a bit strange if you did sit there and actually say it out loud - I can't hear you after all). Well, . . . .
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